Using Syndromic ED Visit Data for Chronic Disease Surveillance
Peer-Reviewed Literature
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- Elliot AJ, Hughes HE, Hughes TC, et al. The impact of thunderstorm asthma on emergency department attendances across London during July 2013. Emerg Med J. 2014;31(8):675-678.
- Hughes HE, Morbey R, Hughes TC, et al. Using an Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System to investigate the impact of extreme cold weather events. Public Health. 2014;128(7):628-635.
- Hughes HE, Morbey R, Fouillet A, et al. Retrospective observational study of emergency department syndromic surveillance data during air pollution episodes across London and Paris in 2014. BMJ Open. 2018;8(4):e018732.
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- Rappold AG, Stone SL, Cascio WE, et al. Peat bog wildfire smoke exposure in rural North Carolina is associated with cardiopulmonary emergency department visits assessed through syndromic surveillance. Environ Health Perspect. 2011;119(10):1415-1420.
- Salazar MA, Law R, Pesigan A, Winkler V. Health Consequences of Typhoon Haiyan in the Eastern Visayas Region Using a Syndromic Surveillance Database. PLoS Curr. 2017;9.
- Smith GE, Bawa Z, Macklin Y, et al. Using real-time syndromic surveillance systems to help explore the acute impact of the air pollution incident of March/April 2014 in England. Environ Res. 2015;136:500-504.
- Smith S, Elliot AJ, Hajat S, et al. The Impact of Heatwaves on Community Morbidity and Healthcare Usage: A Retrospective Observational Study Using Real-Time Syndromic Surveillance. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(1).
- Travers D, Lich KH, Lippmann SJ, et al. Defining emergency department asthma visits for public health surveillance, North Carolina, 2008-2009. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014;11:E100.
- Tsai S, Hamby T, Chu A, et al. Development and Application of Syndromic Surveillance for Severe Weather Events Following Hurricane Sandy. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2016;10(3):463-471.
- Vilain P, Pages F, Combes X, et al. Health impact assessment of cyclone Bejisa in Reunion Island (France) using syndromic surveillance. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2015;30(2):137-144.
- Wilson EL, Egger JR, Konty KJ, Paladini M, Weiss D, Nguyen TQ. Description of a school nurse visit syndromic surveillance system and comparison to emergency department visits, New York City. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(1):e50-56.
ISDS Abstracts
- Burkom H, Burrer S, Barker L, Robison V, Hicks P, Ising A. Use of Syndromic Data to Determine Oral Health Visit Burden on Emergency Departments. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- Burrer S, Burkom H, Okunseri C, Barker L, Robison V. Nontraumatic Oral Health Classification for Alternative Use of Syndromic Data. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- Caserio-Schòˆnemann Cl, Sanna A, Bousquet V, et al. Determinants of Daily Attendances in Emergency Departments for Asthma in the Paris Area. Online journal of public health informatics. 2015;7(1).
- Culpepper AB, Atrubin D, Hamilton JJ, Cui D. Day of Week Analysis of Myocardial Infarctions Using ESSENCE-FL Emergency Department Data. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. 2016;8(1).
- Holtry R, Tabernero N, Hopkins J. An exploration of new uses of traditional data within an ecological study: air quality effects on pediatric asthma exacerbation analysis. Advances in Disease Surveillance. 2007;2:141.
- Jasek JP, Hosseinipour N, Rubin T, Lall R. Using syndromic emergency department data to augment oral health surveillance. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- King R, Deyneka L, Vaughan-Batten H, et al. Use of syndromic surveillance systems for oral health surveillance. Emerging Health Threats Journal. 2011;4.
- Lall R, Paladini M. Evaluating Syndromic Data for Surveillance of Non-infectious Disease. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- Lippmann SJ, Yeatts KB, Waller A, et al. COPD-Related ED Visits in North Carolina: Hospitalizations and Return Visits. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- Mohammed S, Phillips K, Rainisch G, Minor P, Tokars J. Automated monitoring of asthma using the BioSense system. Paper presented at: International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference2008.
- Patel MT, Persky VW. ED visits for AMI, Stroke, ACS & COPD after the Statewide Smoking Ban in Cook Co., IL. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. 2018;10(1).
- Patel MT. Assessment of the use of ED Chief Complaint Data for monitoring Chronic Diseases. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. 2018;10(1).
- Rennick M, Gunn J, Donovan M, Salvia J. Asthma patterns in Boston emergency department visits for children age five and under. Emerging Health Threats Journal. 2011;4.
- Schachterle SE, Mathes RW, Paladini M, Weiss D. Long-Term Asthma Trend Monitoring in New York City: A Mixed Model Approach. Online journal of public health informatics. 2013;5(1).
- Storm W, Bennett B, Fowler B. Using chief complaint data to evaluate the effectiveness of a statewide smoking ban. Emerging Health Threats Journal. 2011;4.
- Young A, Fliss MD, Ising A. Improving Local Non-Communicable Disease Surveillance within a Changing Data Environment. Online journal of public health informatics. 2015;7(1).